New Style Events

We love what we do, from the seasonal markets and Summer/Christmas Fairs, to family Easter and Halloween trails, all helping different charities raise vital funds.

It all begins with an idea for a fundraiser, a family event, a black tie event or even a baby shower…but if you are not sure how to go about it, then this is where we come in.

We can help with the design of the event, theme, colour scheme, venue, guest list and even the pr and advertising of the event to get people to attend. Under our event management service, we will also provide insurance and risk assessments.

If you would like us to help you arrange an event then email us at: to arrange a meeting.

Alternatively, if you would like to attend one of our events as a stallholder or an exhibitor, then please email us via our contact page with what you will be selling/promoting.

Upcoming Events 2024 / 2025

Sunday 08th September - Wedding Showcase - Manor Barn, Bexhill -

Sunday 15th September - Autumn Market - Sharnfold Farm, nr Pevensey -

Sunday 29th September - Wedding Showcase - Bluebell Coppice Park, Crowhurst -

Sunday 20th October - Wedding Showcase - Claverton Hotel, Battle -

Sunday 27th October - Halloween Trail - Manor Barn, Bexhill -

Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th November - Christmas Market, Manor Barn -

Saturday 16th November - Christmas Market - Sharnfold Farm, Pevensey -

Sunday 17th November - Christmas Fair for Little Gate Farm - Claverton Hotel, Battle -

Saturday 23rd November - Christmas Market - Sharnfold Farm, Pevensey -

Sunday 24th November - Christmas Market - Bluebell Coppice Park, Crowhurst -

Saturday 30th November - Christmas Market - Claverton Hotel, Battle -

Sunday 1st December - Christmas Market - Manor Barn, Bexhill -

Sunday 22nd December - Christmas Trail - Manor Barn, Bexhill -

Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th - A Restorative Retreat - Claverton Hotel -



1.        Applications for our markets and fairs can only be accepted once the official form has been completed and returned by the applicant.  You must give images/logo and a website or social media link in order for us to check your products/services.  This does not guarantee a stall.  You will only have been successful when you are issued a confirmation from New Style Events.

2.        New Style Events reserves the right to refuse any application made if they feel that the stall being booked is unsuitable or due to unsatisfactory behaviour by the applicant at previous events or for any reason given by New Style Events.


1.        Stallholders will be sent full set up information approximately 10-14 days prior to the event they are booked into.  If payment has not been made by this date, they could forfeit their pitch/stand.

2.        Stallholders will be given 2 hours to set up whether it’s an inside space or an outside pitch.

3.       Late arrivals to an inside space will not be allowed access 30 minutes before the opening of the event due to the health and safety guidelines of the venue.

4.       Stallholders must only occupy the space that has been allocated to them unless otherwise agreed by prior arrangement with NSE.

5.       Boxes and storage units must be stored under the table or behind or returned to your cars.  Please ensure that all table coverings are tight and not lose in order to avoid trip hazards.

6.       Stallholders are permitted to only sell or promote what has been agreed via the booking form or in correspondence with NSE.


1.        All  fees are non-refundable four weeks prior to the event date.

2.        In the case of the event being cancelled by NSE, then all stallholders will be refunded their stall fee.

3.       If the venue cancels the event, then NSE will do everything in their power to find an alternative venue.

4.       The organisers carry out a full on advertising campaign to promote the events and ask that each stallholder helps to promote to their followers and customers where they will be.

5.       The organisers cannot therefore be held responsible for the lack of sales for each stallholder and does not constitute a refund.

6.       If a stallholder cannot attend on the date of the actual event, their fee is non-refundable as advertising will have been carried out in advance.  NSE may consider it being carried over to a future event, but this is at their discretion and not guaranteed.


1.        All stallholders should conduct their business is an orderly manner without causing obstruction or interfering in any way with another stallholder and in compliance with instructions given by NSE.

2.        All stallholders should be courteous towards other stallholders and members of the public.

3.       NSE will not tolerate any verbal or physical abuse towards their staff, other stallholders or visitors to the event.  If this happens, the stallholder will be asked to leave and will be banned from attending future NSE events.

4.       Due to the health and safety guidelines of the venue, no stallholders is permitted to pack up before the event officially closes – as stated on the setting up information – unless expressly told by NSE or the venue.

5.       Stallholders who bring children to the events, must be responsible for their behaviour and in the case of them being unrurly and upsetting other stallholders or visitors, will not be allowed to bring them to future events.


1.        All stallholders must email or provide a copy of their public liability insurance period to the event to NSE.  Any stallholder who is not insured will not be allowed to attend the event.

2.       NSE will not be held responsible for any claims for damages or injury to the stock or stallholder in respect of any claim by any person purchasing any faulty or dangerous products sold by the stallholder.


1.        NSE will not permit any sale of fur, ivory or animal products from endangered or protected species at their events.

2.       All goods must comply with the Sale of Goods Act 1979.

3.        All goods sold at the events must be the possession of the seller

4.        No stallholder shall sell an item that contravenes the following:

i.         Trade Decriptions Act 1968

ii.        Video Recordings Act 1984

iii.       Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988

iv.        Trademarks Act 1944


1.        All stallholders must comply with all relevant training standard regulations, food hygiene and environmental health and safety.

2.       All stallholders are responsible for the safety of their stall/pitch and agree not to hold NSE liable for any breakages due to the stallholders negligence.

3.       All stallholders are responsible for activities that are undertaken on their stall/pitch throughout the event.

4.       All stallholders are responsible for their own stall/pitch security and money.  No responsibility will be taken by the organisers or venue for theft, loss or damage to items.

5.       NSE does not take any responsibility for any items that are sold by the stallholder.

6.       NSE does not take any responsibility for the safety of persons, stock, or money while travelling to and from any event that they are booked into with NSE.

7.       Please ensure that your stand is manned at all times by someone you can trust during the opening hours.


1.        Stallholders are responsible for the cleanliness and tidiness of their own stall/pitch.

2.         All stallholders are to remove any rubbish they have generated either by putting in the correct bins, should the venue have them, or taking it home with them.

3.       Stallholders are financially responsible for any damage that they cause to the event venue.